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Posted on 2024-Jul-22 (Monday)

New event: Operation Tigerhund

Tensions at the borders of Aldisudnia and Lidolnord have been boiling for much of the 1980s, and after an incident at Checkpoint Charlamagne in Berlin armies have mobilized on either side. Now, after a grave communications error, the frontlines have been thrown into total chaos as units on both sides have to take things into their own hands. One such unit is the 8th Battalion Panzerpionieres on the Czech Border near Sumava. ------------------- Repo: Blended Medical: Normal? Respawn: Wave 5 minutes

Posted on 2024-Jul-21 (Sunday)

New event: The Borders Are Burning

14th of October, 2008 The NATO invasion of Syria has commenced. A coalition of American, British and German troops have stormed over the Turkish-Syrian border but have encountered little to no resistance—until now. A formidable Syrian defensive line stretches from Aleppo to Ar-Raqqah, one which has halted our advance and gotten its licks in on us with hit-and-run ATGM ambushes. Now it's our turn to strike back. You are part of a Stryker brigade combat team which has served as the spearhead of the invasion …

Posted on 2024-Jul-09 (Tuesday)

New event: The Gouda Raid

Tensions in Africa are at a boiling point. Nation states in constant civil war and strife, as European interests in stability of the region grows as does the looming military intervention. When French aid workers are taken hostage and executed, a response is demanded. On the precipice of full blown war, a raid is launched from allied territory into the now hostile offender. =================================================== Repo: Main Type of Mission: Raid, Serious, French Medical Settings Fractures: …

Posted on 2024-Jul-09 (Tuesday)

New event: May 1940: Fall Gelb

May, 1940. Germany has set its sights on France and the Lowlands, with operation 'Fall Gelb' they invade The Netherlands and Belgium. Can the Dutch army face the eagle, or will they be crushed? ------------------- Repo: Blended Medical: Standard medical Respawn: 2 minute wave

Posted on 2024-Jul-08 (Monday)

New event: Operation Neighbo(u)rino

The world has been taken over by a massively powerful entity. One with technological abilities surpassing our own. One with a massive interdimensional army. None other than Ned Flanders. The only hope left for the greater Medicine Hat Area is a platoon of Canadian Armed Forces soldiers who were safely hidden in a temporal exclusion dome. Will they destroy Flanders' rift stabilizer and save the world? ------------------- Repo: Main Medical: I have not touched medical settings Respawn: 15-minute wave

Posted on 2024-Jul-01 (Monday)

New event: Operation Unknown Bandit

Alien Raiders have been spotted on the world of Kujar 4, they have targeted an archaeology site. A few civilian researchers are currently held captive. Your mission is to teleport down for a search and rescue operation. ------------------- Repo: Blended Respawn: Wave based

Posted on 2024-Jun-30 (Sunday)

New event: Operation Iron Thrust

With a border skirmish leading to growing escalation, NATO and PACT forces clash in Germany. With NATO barely holding the line in the north, PACT forces begin to falter in the south. Seeking to exploit this lull in the south, US and West German forces push into Soviet Occupied territory. The Americans hold back the brunt of the Soviets, as the West Germans push deep behind enemy lines. =================================================== Repo: Main Type of Mission: Mechanized, Raid, Serious Medical …

Posted on 2024-Jun-24 (Monday)

New event: Operation Shining Brass

It's 1963, the Boer rebellion in South Africa has escalated to total war against german colonial governments in Central Africa. To prevent the fascists from taking so much as another inch of ground on the continent, the Organization of Free Nations (OFN) has launched Operation "Shining Brass," a full-force peacekeeping initiative aimed at curbing the escalating violence and ensuring South Africa's Self-determination. Central to this mission was the deployment of the renowned "Cobras Fumantes" – the …

Posted on 2024-Jun-24 (Monday)

New event: Operation Blue Dawn

Since the inconclusive end of the West Russian War in 1958, and the reunification of our motherland in 1970, the Russian people, as well as all captive peoples in Europe have been calling for our army to pick up their guns and march west once again. We have spent decades licking our wounds, and this time we will not be stopped at the gates of Moscow. Under the banner of the Republic, and with albeit only diplomatic backing from the Organization of Free Nations (OFN), Russian boots will be destined to step …

Posted on 2024-Jun-14 (Friday)

New event: Operation Iceberg

After the eventual failure of the Morozian invasion into Iskandian territory, tensions between the nations remain high. After some time, the Morozians begin deploying a massive superweapon, only known to the Iskandians as Iceberg, capable of launching massive high explosive rounds extreme distances. Despite not knowing the Morozian true intentions, the Iskandians decide not to leave anything up to chance and launch a combined naval and air incursion into Morozian land to reach and destroy Iceberg for …

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