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Posted on 2024-Oct-03 (Thursday)

New event: The Second Battle of Arudy Cassino

17th May 1944, the Allied invasion of Italy has been stalled on the Gustav line, with fierce German resistance preventing an Allied breakthrough towards the German Homeland. A centerpiece of the Gustav Line, Arudy Cassino, is being used by the Germans to shell Allied lines. Capturing the Monastery would be a great blow to the German defense and could possibly lead to the destruction of German Combat units on the line. ------------------------ Repo: Main Medical Settings: Server Standard Respawn: …

Posted on 2024-Sep-16 (Monday)

New event: Fantom Siphon

We've been trying to hold off the FEC advances within the Korsac area for the last month, but to only marginal success. The only reason why we're not overwhelmed right now is due to the awful snowstorms enveloping the frontline. With our supplies running low and the enemy having been confirmed to have brought up as many as twelve T-80 tanks in preparation for the weather to improve, we're putting ourselves in a desparate daredevil raid. A crack team of special purpose police officers from the Korsac …

Posted on 2024-Aug-31 (Saturday)

New event: Bohemian Blitz

The NATO push into territories initially captured by the Soviets in their attack on West Germany has been somewhat successful, having even pushed Soviets past the initial border in some areas, but it has now slowed almost to a complete stop. In order to keep up the momentum, NATO decides to open up additional fronts to divert some Soviet units away from the main front line. Several US Army divisions, who have recently been re-equipped with the most modern military equipment the US Army has, will be …

Posted on 2024-Aug-29 (Thursday)

New event: Personnel Retirement

FOR ADMINISTRATION TO HIGHER LEVEL (2-4) GROUND OPERATIONS PERSONNEL Contract code: 3045PR Operational classification: EXCISE - TOTAL Assigned combat unit(s): MALLET N/A - SKYSHIELD 4 Date: 24/06/2052 Client: ██████ ██████ ███ Operational outline: Temperature levels: BELOW AVERAGE Weather: SNOW - FOG Logistical capabilities: NIL - NIL Reinforcement availability: RESERVES UNAVAILABLE Expected Staff Retention: █% Operational expectations: -Render assigned individuals …

Posted on 2024-Aug-18 (Sunday)

New event: Delayed Takeover

The Republic of Bluforstan has fought a long, gruelling counter-insurgency campaign against the People's Opposition Organization, to no avail. The heads of government find themselves at the edge of their territory, with a heavily armed and increasingly organized militia moving ever closer. With defeat closing fast, the safest option is to retreat across the border to the unaffiliated nation of Neutrala. Officially the US' only involvement was providing vehicles to the Bluforstan Army, which is why they've …

Posted on 2024-Aug-11 (Sunday)

New event: Limited Escalation

With a humanitarian crisis growing in the state of Gorgas, US Marines deploy to assist in aid dispersal and general deterrence against foreign invasion. Gorgas' northern neighbor however believe that the US troops will not intervene in any incursion, and as such annex a portion of the border. With an unfriendly military now nearby, US Marines prepare for possible armed conflict with patrols and engineering efforts hoping to dissuade further annexation. The tensions are high, the Marines are outgunned, and …

Posted on 2024-Jul-30 (Tuesday)

New event: Operation Chuikov

The fight against the Sokolinkov Movement has been tough, but now that we have them pinned to the forested regions of Korsac, our victory is assured. Your Mi-8s have been outfitted to fulfill all possible support roles you may need, and although we are aware helicopters aren't great for forest combat, we cannot spare any resources currently. Your helicopters have enough munitions to burn the forests to the ground, do what you must to stomp out the Threat. ------------------- Repo: Main Medical: …

Posted on 2024-Jul-22 (Monday)

New event: Operation Tigerhund

Tensions at the borders of Aldisudnia and Lidolnord have been boiling for much of the 1980s, and after an incident at Checkpoint Charlamagne in Berlin armies have mobilized on either side. Now, after a grave communications error, the frontlines have been thrown into total chaos as units on both sides have to take things into their own hands. One such unit is the 8th Battalion Panzerpionieres on the Czech Border near Sumava. ------------------- Repo: Blended Medical: Normal? Respawn: Wave 5 minutes

Posted on 2024-Jul-21 (Sunday)

New event: The Borders Are Burning

14th of October, 2008 The NATO invasion of Syria has commenced. A coalition of American, British and German troops have stormed over the Turkish-Syrian border but have encountered little to no resistance—until now. A formidable Syrian defensive line stretches from Aleppo to Ar-Raqqah, one which has halted our advance and gotten its licks in on us with hit-and-run ATGM ambushes. Now it's our turn to strike back. You are part of a Stryker brigade combat team which has served as the spearhead of the invasion …

Posted on 2024-Jul-09 (Tuesday)

New event: The Gouda Raid

Tensions in Africa are at a boiling point. Nation states in constant civil war and strife, as European interests in stability of the region grows as does the looming military intervention. When French aid workers are taken hostage and executed, a response is demanded. On the precipice of full blown war, a raid is launched from allied territory into the now hostile offender. =================================================== Repo: Main Type of Mission: Raid, Serious, French Medical Settings Fractures: …

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